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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Can’t we be Both?

I read the most interesting article yesterday, about a Hollywood starlet who got completely slandered for her views on feminism. The article was about Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, and she stated something to the effect that she wasn’t around for the feminist era nor their fight, but she is very grateful for what they did for women in the present day and she wouldn’t be where she is if it weren’t for the feminist movement. But with that said, she still enjoys coming home from work, cooking dinner for her husband, Ryan Sweeting, and “serving her man, it’s my way of showing him how much I love him”. She stated, and she loves being a homemaker.

To be honest, I couldn’t agree with her more. Of course the liberals in Hollywood didn’t like it much, and even a fan said that if “she [the fan] doesn’t cook does that mean she doesn’t love her husband?” Why does everyone have to read so much into everything? No one said you loved your husband or family any less if you don’t cook or clean, it just means it’s not your thing. Kaley happens to enjoy doing that stuff, it makes her feel fulfilled.

I guess I am the same person as Kaley. I wasn’t around for the feminist movement and fight, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t thank those visionaries, those risk-takers and leaders. They fought for what every woman deserves and that is equality to men. If it weren’t for them I wouldn’t have been able to go to the college I went to, because it was an all-male college, until the feminist movement caught on; and that was Texas A&M University, which now over 50% female. We wouldn’t have female CEOs, doctors, scientists, you name it, and we as the female race wouldn’t be where we are today.

But does wanting to go home after a long day, do the laundry, clean our houses, cook dinner, and just overall make our houses homes, make us any less of women? I don’t think so…in fact I think it makes us even stronger more capable human beings. It shows our strengths and fortitude and abilities to forge through anything that is thrown our way.

I love coming home after a full day in the office to cook dinner, prepare my kids’ baths, help with their homework, and get my house in order. Am I exhausted at the end of every day, you betcha. But I was given this wonderful gift and that was the gift of choice. I get to choose to work, I get to choose to stay at home, and I get to choose to cook, clean and tend to my husband and children. But I do all of this by choice, because I was given this freedom by all those wonderful woman who fought, forged and trudged through the political uproar of women’s equal rights.

Those crusaders will never be forgotten; will never know how grateful every single woman is; and never understand the foundations they have built for society. But one thing is certain, I cherish the fact that I have the choice to work and to be a good wife, mother and housekeeper. I pride myself on all my efforts, whether or not other women agree with me, this is the choice I made in my life…to do it all.

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