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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

He’s still my Best Buddy

By: Samantha S. Daviss

It’s funny when I’m asked who my best friend is I automatically go to a girlfriend. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. My best friend is the man I share my bed with every night, and he knows that.

We take the time out of our schedules to have GNOs (Girls’ Nights Out)…but we sometimes forget to have SNOs (Spouse’s Nights Out) aka date night. We all get so busy and so wrapped up in work, kids, activities and other obligations we forget to keep dating.

And dating can be as simple as renting a movie and watching it on the couch together after all the kids are asleep. It is so very important to carve that time out for your relationship, because what I have taught all three of my boys, is if mommy and daddy aren’t happy or working well together, then the house isn’t working well. It is an extremely fine line and difficult thing to balance, but you don’t want to put your kids too far ahead of your relationship with your significant other, nor do you want your significant other to be much more important than the kids.

But the one thing I do want to instill in my boys is that your spouse should be your very best friend. They need to be the person that knows all your secrets, your sleeping pattern, your weird little quirks, and the odd way you eat your cereal in the morning; all the while still loving you more than anything. I need my boys to know that no matter how much you love your spouse, you need to like them even that much more.

Because there will be days when you don’t love them; I know that sounds odd, but it’s the truth. You won’t love them, but you will always like them. And you need that friendship to be the most important binding factor in your relationship. When you think you may want to disrespect your spouse by cheating on them, or saying something ugly to them, or even not giving them the time they deserve, you must remember the friend that they are and always have been to you and you need to ask yourself if you would treat a friend like that? Especially the person who is your best friend?

Definitely not. You would treat that friend with utmost respect and love. So why would you disrespect the person that is your very best friend in this entire world? Hopefully you were lucky enough to marry your best friend, and if you were, you need to remember that they are the most important buddy in your life. They know you better than you know you. They are the ones that hold your hair when you are sick, they are the ones that listen to you snore while you sleep, they are the ones that deal with you if you were “over served” at the bar.

So next time you’re asked who your best friend is…remember it’s the person you share your life with, your every thought, and every laugh or tear with on a daily basis.

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